Stephanie Culp is an organizing expert and author of many books. She has a great article I encourage you to read in its entirely. The summary is to keep your filing system simple and in a manner that works for YOU. Perhaps it’s an open plastic file box on your desk or side of a table to get used to the idea of filing. And choose colors if you’re visual — you can choose color hanging folders; manila folders; tabs; or even colored markers to label your tabs.

A vertical filing system is the best recommendation so invest in a good filing cabinet that will last you and with drawers that fully extend. She’s a bit old school in suggesting wire baskets, but that method is good for the person who says “out of sight is out of mind.” Your first thought of what to label a folder is best as there are many options (eg. Car, Automobile, Toyota…) Don’t get so specific like her suggestion of TRAVEL vs the specific tiny island you might or might not ever visit!

Start getting into the habit of filing and it will become second nature to turn to the file to look for theater subscription tickets, invitations, coupons, etc. And keep fine-tuning your labels and subfolders so you can always find what you’re looking for when you need it. Don’t forget, I’m always out there for you as your Professional Organizer to get you on the right track with a customized filing system.

8 Tips for Organizing Your Paperwork – dummies