While The Chicago Organizer doesn’t specialize in this level of technology, doing a “data” cleanse on your computer is very important — just as important as getting your car worked on and checkups at the doctor! Please read this article about digital organizing.
First: Backup your data as your hard drive at one point will die.
Also: Sign up for a cloud service to store your important photos and files.
And: Make sure your software is up to date.
Plus: Clean out your machine of something called cruft. (I had never heard of it either but followed the steps to clean out my computer.)
Please read this article in its entirety and follow the steps. Good luck and don’t put off these important tasks.
How to Do a Data ‘Cleanse’ New year, new you, right? You may be headed to the gym, but what about the health of your phone, computer and all your precious data? Here are some tips to get your digital life in order.
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