This article is so appropriate for so many of my organizing clients when one spouse cares much more about maintaining organization in the household — and the other doesn’t! Please read if this resonates with you.

Remember you’re a team and focus on the present to move forward. Give your partner a space he/she can use behind closed doors that doesn’t cross into your shared space. Come to agreements about what neat and clean look like in your home. And set parameters for when purging can happen.

Use current technology to cut clutter like online banking and reading on a Kindle to get rid of books. Box up items and revisit after 6 months to a year to then donate/throw away.

Don’t get rid of your partners’ items without talking about it. And accept him/her for the good points and get to the point of baseline and compromise to keep the peace in the household.

Minimalists and Pack Rats Can Live in Harmony! Organizational Tips for Couples at Odds. We talked to some experts to determine the secrets to achieving balance within your home.