Teenage brains are full so setting them up for success is key to get them organized and learn skills to keep them organized as they move out of your home and possibly to college and then living on their own. The article provides these key questions and then great strategies and tips (HOOKS!! REMOVE CLOSET DOOR! etc.) so please read article found on link below.

  • Can your teen open his closet door easily or is it partially blocked?
  • Can she reach the rod and shelves?
  • Are the dresser drawers hard to open?
  • Is his dresser crammed full?
  • Is there enough room for your teen to store all of her clothes?
  • Does he have enough hangers, hooks, storage bins, and boxes?
  • Does she have adequate shelf space for books, memorabilia, electronics, etc.?
  • Is there a bulletin board or cork squares on the wall?
  • Is there a trash can and hamper? Are they in good condition and easy to use?
  • Is there a nightstand for a phone charger, tissues, lamp, water bottle?
  • Are there items that belong to other family members stored in your teen’s room?
  • Does your teen know where everything in her room goes?

It might be a good idea to outsource the initial clean out with a neutral, objective person like a Professional Organizer so that mother and son/daughter don’t have fights about the process of decluttering and finding systems of organization that will work.
Here’s How to Get Your Teen to Keep Her Room Clean